
Strangers Of Paradise Trophy List

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Perhaps the first title in the Final Fantasy world without that in its name, Stranger of Paradise is a new accept on the decades-old serial, starting all the fashion dorsum from Terminal Fantasy I. Developed by Team Ninja and published past Square Enix, it's an alternative universe prequel, with real-time, third person RPG gameplay.

You lot play as Jack, one of the four prophesied Warriors of Light, destined to defeat the darkness-made-tangible Anarchy, and rid the globe of his influence and bring them back into the light of the Crystals. Rather than deciding and sticking with 1 class, Jack volition exist able to unlock, play, and switch between a big number of dissimilar job classes, experiencing several different kinds of gameplay, with many different avenues of customization allowing for an incredible number of setups.


Stranger of Paradise is a fairly linear game; there'south no open world and all of your Main and Side Missions are accessed via the Globe Map. Each time you lot complete a Main Mission, the next one unlocks, also as some Side Missions in the location you just completed.

If you play on Activeness or Hard, be prepared for a claiming. Even on Action fashion, the enemies hurt quite a bit, especially if you are not constantly switching out your gear for the newer, stronger versions every so oft. The bosses in particular can be quite challenging, and it's expected you'll probable die a few times. If at whatever indicate the game becomes too difficult, y'all can lower the difficulty level. If y'all're on the World Map, y'all tin exercise so by pressing the touchpad. If yous're in a mission, you can change information technology from any Save Cube.

Note: Although you can lower your difficulty mid-mission, you cannot raise it. If you want to raise the difficulty, it tin only exist done while on the World Map.

For your kickoff playthrough, it'southward recommended you lot play on at to the lowest degree Action (Normal) Mode, considering you're going to have to complete it once again on CHAOS difficulty, and the bound from Action or Hard to CHAOS is already rather large. However, if you just desire to experience the story and rapidly run through your kickoff run, feel costless to play it on Story or Casual mode. (Casual fashion is non so much its own difficulty level; rather, it'south an add-on to Story mode that decreases the difficulty even further.)

POSSIBLY GLITCHED: While the Origin of True Anarchy trophy_silver.png  bays's description says to consummate the game on Chaos difficulty, currently (as of Patch one.02) the trophy is popping after completing whatsoever mission on Chaos difficulty for the first time. We are unsure if this is due to a glitch or if the confusion is because of a misleading trophy description, so this is field of study to change in the future. At this fourth dimension, even so, yous just demand to do whatsoever mission on Chaos to get the trophy.

STEP ONEPlay the game on any difficulty y'all desire and try to collect all Memory Mementos.

Choose whichever difficulty you prefer, and play through all the Principal Missions until y'all complete the game. Completing the Side Missions as they unlock is recommended simply to assist you complete it faster and so you don't find yourself extremely nether-leveled, just not necessarily required.

As well, you don't have to focus on finding all the Retentivity Mementos during this step as none are missable; you tin ever replay whatever principal mission you desire, at any time you want. That said, finding them earlier & completing their quests will also help yous level up along the way and will cut down on both grind time and future make clean-upward time.

By the end of this step, you volition take earned:

Hopes and Dreams trophy_bronze.png
The Pirate's Fashion trophy_bronze.png
The King of the Dark Elves trophy_bronze.png
Distortion'due south Progeny trophy_bronze.png
A Landscape of Retention trophy_bronze.png
The Wind'due south Light trophy_bronze.png
Vague Remembrances trophy_bronze.png
The Burn down's Lite trophy_bronze.png
Phantom Memories trophy_bronze.png
The Globe'south Calorie-free trophy_bronze.png
Shared Recollections trophy_bronze.png
The Water's Light trophy_bronze.png
Malice Takes Root trophy_bronze.png
Duty's Course trophy_bronze.png
Led by the Nose trophy_bronze.png
Terminus of Fate trophy_silver.png
His Name Is Garland trophy_silver.png
Memories of the Distant Past trophy_bronze.png
Manifestation of the Soul trophy_bronze.png
No Escape trophy_bronze.png
Lantern Smasher trophy_bronze.png
Seeker of Power trophy_bronze.png
Seeker of Ultimate Ability trophy_bronze.png

STEP TWOComplete whatever remaining Side Missions & clean up whatever job or miscellaneous trophies you have left.

If you lot haven't been completing the side missions as you play through the story, it's best to get them out of the style at present before beginning your CHAOS playthrough, as they will be much easier and faster to do that fashion. Of course, ideally you should accept most if non all already completed during your first run, but it's also wholly possible y'all might've missed collecting the hidden Memory Memento spheres that unlock hidden side missions.

Also, if you still take jobs you oasis't unlocked all the same or haven't mastered yet, grinding Anima Shards from the Side Mission "Coral Memories: The Greedy" (Lvl 68), located in Cavern of Earth, volition make quick work of that.

By the stop of this step, you will have earned:

Strangers' Memories trophy_gold.png
Truthful Potential trophy_silver.png
Imbued Memories trophy_bronze.png
Savant trophy_silver.png
Night Crystal, Warrior's Heart trophy_bronze.png
Jack-of-All-Trades trophy_silver.png
Path of the Dark Knight trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Paladin trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Ninja trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Assassin trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Liberator trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Breaker trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Void Knight trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Tyrant trophy_bronze.png
Path of the Sage trophy_bronze.png

Stride ThreeConsummate a mission on Chaos and level a job to 99.

Currently, as mentioned in the glitch info higher up, all that is needed to complete the Origin of True Chaos trophy_silver.png trophy is to consummate ane mission on CHAOS difficulty. However, we are unsure whether this is due to a glitch or a misleading trophy description, so this might modify in the future where you might exist required to redo all Main Missions on Chaos mode. Equally of now, since all you have to practice is do any one mission you want on Chaos, Chief Mission #1: "Illusion at Journey's Terminate" is both costless and has the everyman level requirement, then information technology is a good choice to start with.

Additionally, you lot'll need to level any one chore to level 99, the max possible (see Job Master trophy_gold.png  for more information and how to do and then quickly). Substantially, once you've unlocked Chaos difficulty mode, every Master Mission now has several unlike Chaos difficulty levels you can play on, and each ane includes a Job Level cap increase equally a reward. Each job has iii Level cap increases bachelor, and all 3 are needed to reach level 99. You merely need to do this for ane task for the Platinum, though. As you lot do so, don't forget to allocate at to the lowest degree 1 of your accrued Master Points for Master's Awakening trophy_bronze.png , which you'll earn by getting XP and leveling up a job in one case y'all've unlocked at least 1 of its level cap increases.

Besides, now that you've unlocked and played some missions on Chaos, you lot'll likely naturally have caused an Artifact (an item that possesses 2 job affinity bonuses) besides as Job Crests, which are materials used for upgrading an item's job affinity bonus. Utilize one at the Smithy at whatever time for Crest Bearer trophy_bronze.png .

By the finish of this step, you will have earned:

Origin of True Chaos trophy_silver.png
Bike of Darkness trophy_gold.png
Artifact Collector trophy_bronze.png
Crest Bearer trophy_bronze.png
Polymath trophy_silver.png
Main's Awakening trophy_bronze.png
Task Chief trophy_gold.png
A Tale of Origins and Endings trophy_platinum.png

  • Yous have conquered your desire for Chaos and paved the mode to a brighter future. Congrats!


    In Stranger of Paradise, in that location are 4 dissimilar types of collectibles, all represented by different colored spheres found placed in various areas in the Chief & Side Missions. The sphere's colour tells y'all which kind of collectible it is. Of all the collectibles, only the Retention Mementos are required for the Platinum.

    one: Item Driblet (magenta): These are magenta-colored spheres that drop an item, much like a chest, except that it's always just i item. Also different chests, the item it drops is always a specific, set up particular; it does not change. If y'all repeat the mission and pick upwardly the sphere again, you'll just go some other re-create of the same particular.
    2: Stranger's Memories/Memory Mementos (purple): These are by far the about important of the spheres. They're imperial, and each one you lot notice unlocks a specific side mission. Y'all'll demand to find & do all of them for the all Side Missions trophy. These are e'er only found in Main Missions and some can be hard to spot if you don't know where to expect. (Run into Strangers' Memories trophy_gold.png  for more.)
    three: Lore: Lufenian Logs or Fool'due south Missives (cherry-red): These are trivial bits of lore, usually but a paragraph or ii. They have no bearing on the Platinum, but they explain a lot nearly the story that isn't actually talked almost in cutscenes and the similar.
    4: Boss Info (red): By and large only found later on you've died the 1st time, every final boss of a mission has i or two info spheres that y'all tin can find correct before the door to the boss afterward you lot've died. These give you more info well-nigh the boss, their abilities, and strategy tips for how to deal with them.

  • Completed "Illusion at Journey's End."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy will pop after you consummate the Prologue and the 1st Master Mission, "A Drastic Struggle" (Lvl 1) and "Illusion at Journey's End" (Lvl 5) respectively.

    "A Desperate Struggle" (Lvl 1), located in ??? – This Prologue mission functions primarily as an introduction to the game and as a combat tutorial.

    "Illusion at Journey'southward End" (Lvl 5), located in Chaos Shrine – Despite technically being your second outing, this is your first existent Main Mission.

  • Completed a side mission.

    Come across Strangers' Memories trophy_gold.png  for more about side missions.

    The earliest one you tin do is the "Azure Memories: The Betrayer", a level eight side mission located in the Chaos Shrine (unlockable subsequently completing Main Mission #one: "Illusion at Journey'due south End").

  • Completed every side mission.

    Side Missions are optional, smaller missions that you can undertake. In total, there are 24 Side Missions you'll need to consummate for this bays. These Side Missions unlock in 2 ways: Nearly unlock automatically after completing certain Main Missions, but 7 of them must be unlocked by discovering and collecting their regal spheres located within diverse Chief Missions. The latter are called "Memory Mementos" or "Stranger'southward Memories".

    On the World Map, yous'll see all of your previously completed locations/main missions as well equally the side by side chief mission to do. Next to each of them volition exist a small blue diamond and number, and a small yellow diamond and number.

    • The blue numbers refer to the number of Chief Missions available at that place.
    • The yellowish numbers refer to the number of Side Missions available.

    To view or play a side mission, hover over any location, then utilize r1.png to tab through all available missions.

    Note: The Weapon Tutorial side missions do non count for this trophy.

    Listing of all side missions

    Includes the recommended level for each mission equally well as the mission's location.

    - Azure Memories: The Betrayer (Lvl 8; Anarchy Shrine) – Unlocks by completing Main Mission #ii: "The Journey Begins".
    - Azure Memories: The Laic (Lvl fifteen; Pravoka Seagrot) – Unlocks by completing Main Mission #1: "Illusion at Journey'due south Cease".
    - Azure Memories: The Overconfident (Lvl 22; Western Keep) – Unlocks by completing Main Mission #3: "Audition with the Nighttime Elf".
    - Indigo Memories: The Damned (Lvl 29; Refrin Wetlands) – Unlocks past completing Main Mission #3: "Natural Distortion" in Refrin Wetlands.
    - Bound by Crimson Memories (Lvl 32; Chaos Shrine) – Unlocks by discovering Memory Memento sphere #1, found in Chief Mission #3: "Natural Distortion" in Refrin Wetlands.

    • Memory Sphere #one Location: In the mission in the Refrin Wetlands, you'll reach an area where, simply earlier your 2nd Save Cube, you'll fight a Griffin that spawns from a Dark Vent. To the right, there'south a large waterfall. At the left border of the waterfall, there will be a rope that will accept you down into a hidden cavern. A little further in is a Main Tonberry staring at and guarding this Memory Memento sphere.

    - Scarlet Memories: The Savior (Lvl 37; Wester Keep) – Unlocks by discovering Retentiveness Memento sphere #ii, found in Main Mission #5: "A Familiar Place" in Crystal Mirage.

    • Memory Sphere #ii Location: In Crystal Delusion in the "Hall of the Brave: Ground Flooring" section, past the platform with an entrance blocked past a Dark Vent & Ogre, that'southward guarding a room with a Cactuar; betwixt that room and the next platform that has a room (i.eastward. the platforms that have walls and a dome roof), if you lot wait off the edge of the platforms, yous'll detect the next one down has a treasure chest, and a couple more platforms under that one has the purple Memory Memento sphere you need.

    - Ruby-red Memories: The Erudite (Lvl 45; Crystal Mirage) – Unlocks by completing Principal Missions.
    - Indigo Memories: The Humiliated (Lvl 50; Refrin Wetlands) – Unlocks by discovering the Retentiveness Memento sphere #3 found in Main Mission #7: "Memories of Poison" in Wicked Arbor.

    • Memory Sphere #3 Location: In Wicked Arbor, towards the very end of the mission, y'all'll be in a serial of caves, at you'll attain a room with a Poison Bloom and a blue bomb up on a higher ledge to a higher place y'all that you can't accomplish. Either destroy the flower with a ranged attack or drop into the pigsty a few steps directly in front of the blossom (past the left wall if looking at the bloom) and walk to it; there will be a Tonberry there too. One time it'due south dead, become downwards/left and break the wall of vines and the memento volition be just behind it. It's directly before the concluding Save Cubes before the final boss of the mission.

    - Indigo Memories: The Trapped (Lvl 54; Mount Gulg) – Unlocks by completing Main Mission #eight: "Memories of Burn down".
    - Indigo Memories: The Deceived (Lvl 58; Wicked Arbor) – Unlocks by discovering the Retention Memento sphere #4 found in Main Mission #8: "Memories of Fire" in Mount Gulg.

    • Memory Sphere #4 Location: In Mountain Gulg, right every bit presently equally y'all enter the area called "Path of Destiny", you lot'll come across a treasure chest on the path and a boulder will scroll downward towards you. From at that place, if you wait upwardly and to the left, you'll encounter this sphere atop a pedestal. From standing just below it, head a few steps up the path, sticking to the left wall, until the wall stops, then spring off of the ledge, to the left, down onto the path underneath, and follow the way back around to the left to the end and get the sphere.

    - Azure Memories: The Stymied (Lvl 58; Hallowed Massif) – Unlocks by discovering the Retentivity Memento sphere #5 found in Main Mission #ten: "Memories of Earth" in Cave of World.

    • Memory Sphere #5 Location: In the Cavern of Earth, when you accomplish the Save Cube simply in "Aspirant's Hallway" (almost the third or quaternary ane you've seen; the 1 immediately later on the area with the holes in the ground leading to a Griffon and a ladder to climb back up), instead of going forward, turn around and go through the door that'south but opposite the little destroyed/broken area of the balcony railing. And so, drop down the 3 halls with the moving walls and and so enter the room with the big 10 on the ground. Turn left and y'all'll see a breakable wall with this memory.

    - Azure Memories: The Sacrifice (Lvl 66; Ruins of Machina) – Unlocks past discovering the Memory Memento sphere #vi found in Chief Mission #11: "To Recollect" in Ruins of Machina.

    • Memory Sphere #6 Location: In the Ruins of Machina, in the big room with an energy ray cannon at the back firing at you, on the platform just before the cannon is the purple sphere behind a rock.

    - Coral Memories: The Greedy* (Lvl 68; Cave of Earth) – Unlocks past completing Main Mission #eleven: "To Retrieve".

    • Annotation: This is the all-time mission to farm Anima Shards, as you lot can consummate it in seconds to a max of a minute or so, depending which chest yous get, and you don't accept to fight anything. (You also get a ruby weapon for completing information technology, so that's a pocket-sized bonus to dismantle if you're depression on cerise crafting items.)

    - Ebon Memories: The Tragic Cynic (Lvl 82; Flight Fortress) – Unlocks past completing Main Mission #13: "The Fake Warriors".
    - Ebon Memories: The Truthseeker (Lvl 84; Mount Gulg) – Unlocks by completing Primary Mission #13: "The False Warriors".
    - Ebon Memories: The Yearner (Lvl 84; Cave of Earth) – Unlocks by completing Master Mission #13: "The Simulated Warriors".
    - Ebon Memories: The Power-Hungry (Lvl 88; Sunken Shrine) – Unlocks past completing Chief Mission #thirteen: "The False Warriors".
    - Azure Memories: The Rebel (Lvl 92; Sunken Shrine) – Unlocks past completing Chief Mission #14: "Schemes of the By".
    - Scarlet Memories: The Fallen (Lvl 104; Vigilia Court) – Unlocks by completing Master Mission #xv: "Remembering Domicile".
    - Coral Memories: The Avenger (Lvl 106; Vigilia Court) – Unlocks past completing Main Mission #15: "Remembering Home".
    - Indigo Memories: The Stabbed (Lvl 120; Ancients' Tower) – Unlocks by discovering the Memory Memento sphere #seven found in Main Mission #18: "The Suffering of Fools" in Terra Tortura.

    • Memory Sphere #7 Location: Equally soon every bit you start the mission in Terra Tortura and achieve the get-go Salve Cubes, head through the left doorway and up the bridge. Stay on the left and break the fasten trap, then go upwards another bridge. Turn right immediately as you come in, and become past the 2 mobs here and up to the right once again into an expanse with the ground almost completely covered in basic & spike traps. Ignore the first hole in front of you, turn towards the right and pace a little bit down to the 2nd hole right in front of yous, to the right (you lot'll see a burn down elemental mob downwardly there). Jump down into the pigsty & you'll land right in front of the royal sphere.

    - Ebon Memories: The Soul Seeker (Lvl 123; Terra Tortura) – Unlocks by completing the game for the get-go time.
    - Ebon Memories: The Warrior (Lvl 130; ???) – Unlocks by completing the game for the outset time.
    - Ebon Memories: The Guided (Lvl 135; ???) – Unlocks past completing Side Mission "Ebon Memories: The Soul Seeker" and Main Mission #eighteen: "Warriors of Calamity".

  • Used soul flare-up for the start fourth dimension.

    This will pop inside the starting time hour of your game. Later the initial fight the game drops you in to start off, you'll get through a mini tutorial on the game's combat system & controls. You'll perform your commencement soul flare-up during that tutorial.

    A soul burst is one of Jack's master abilities; every thing in the game, be it Jack or an enemy, has a break judge. It essentially acts every bit a shield where when it breaks, you take increased damage. For enemies, though, once you break through their guess, a prompt will popular upward to press circle.png. If yous do information technology, it will instantly kill the enemy and both return some MP to you and slightly increase your max MP bar.

  • Used a weapon ability for the first time.

    Weapon abilities are special bonus abilities that tin appear on weapons. If a weapon has one present, it'll be listed in yellow at the top of the normal detail bonuses list. (Merely weapons volition have actress abilities; shields and other armor types exercise not.)

    Although it may take a trivial while at the start, you should exist getting gear with these special abilities adequately often once you've progressed a chip and have completed the first few main missions.

    One time you have a weapon with a bonus power on it, subsequently you equip the weapon, y'all'll need to manually equip the power too. From your Battle Settings page, whorl down to the "Combo Abilities" department and click on it. In that location y'all'll have a number of push button combo options. Unlike many abilities unlocked via the job skill trees, weapon abilities tin can be equipped on any push button combo. If y'all're just going for the trophy, equip information technology on the first one (r1.png >r2.png) and use it in any mission. Yous don't need to kill annihilation with it, you only need to use it in one case. As soon as you practise, the trophy volition popular.

  • Fully upgraded the special effect of a slice of equipment.

    All gear items, be they weapons or armor, have "special furnishings". These special effects in question are the bonuses listed on each particular; for instance, +8 Forcefulness, or +0.8 Interruption Damage, and so on. These effects can be upgraded a few times, using materials you become by dismantling equipment.

    To upgrade whatever piece of equipment, y'all can simply do so from the Earth Map. Become to Main Menu > Tab over to Cornelia > Cull Smithy > Upgrade Equipment.

    Aside from doing it for the bays, unless y'all're overflowing with materials, it'due south probably best non to upgrade your equipment until subsequently in the game if not endgame, as the game constantly throws you new and ameliorate gear like crazy. The corporeality of equipment yous'll become is staggering, and you'll likely go at to the lowest degree 5+ upgrades for each detail within the aforementioned mission. (However, if you preordered or take the Season Pass and were given the bonus weapons and shield, you can upgrade those equally they'll remain the best selection you'll take until level 20.)

    Please note that upgrading the effects does Non upgrade their item level, their rarity, or whatsoever chore affinity bonuses they may have.

    Note: Once you've progressed past a sure point in the story, you lot will also exist able to change any or all of an item's special effects, using many of the same materials that y'all'd use to upgrade them.

  • Unlocked every chore affinity bonus for a unmarried job.

    See Jack-of-All-Trades trophy_silver.pngfor more about jobs & a complete listing.

    Chore Affinity is going to be a major part of your gameplay and equipment management. To get this trophy, you'll demand to attain a total of +400% Task Affinity for any 1 job.

    The bays clarification is somewhat misleading in several ways. Firstly, the mode it is worded, it sounds every bit if you lot ought to go the trophy for unlocking all of the + task affinity bonus panels in that job's skill tree, merely that is not the case. Rather, the trophy is referring to the tree of stat bonuses unlocked by various levels of affinity. Secondly, it sounds like you simply need to "unlock" these, simply in actuality, you must take everything equipped for it to count. Thus editing a Battle Set and reaching +400% won't trigger the trophy; yous've got to accept all of the items/set currently equipped for the trophy to pop.

    Once you've finished the game, you'll likely have more than plenty equipment to do this. Select whatever job you want that you have a lot of items with high analogousness bonuses for, and equip enough of them simultaneously to reach at least 400% altogether, and the bays will pop.

    Job Affinity gives you two things:

    1. EXP: The higher the % of affinity you have equipped, the more EXP you lot earn towards that job. Even if you're not using a detail job, if your equipment has +% affinity for that chore, yous'll however earn EXP towards that task. Considering you need to unlock all 28 jobs for the Platinum (meet Jack-of-All-Trades trophy_silver.png ), this is incredibly of import.
    2. Bonuses: Each job awards you bonuses based on the corporeality of job analogousness yous currently accept equipped. For example, +twenty% Swordsman job affinity gives a bonus of +2 Stamina. To see your current rewards & all the levels and rewards, press square.png while in your Boxing Settings carte (i.east. grapheme equipment screen). This is what you demand for the trophy; a total of +400% affinity which thus unlocks all possible task affinity bonuses.

    There are 2 ways to go Job Affinity:

    1. Skills: Amid each task's 2 or three skill tree branches, there are 3 panels that give you lot a passive buff of +% Job Affinity: one that gives +10%, one for +15%, and one for +25%. These passive buffs are but active while using that chore.
    2. Gear: Many pieces of equipment have +% Task Analogousness bonuses on them. The after in the game you are, the more than oftentimes you'll find gear pieces with larger +% bonuses on them.

    Because the max affinity yous can get from passive skills is a total of +50%, this means you're going to accept to get +350% from equipment. Y'all likely won't exist able to get this until endgame, considering you lot'll demand an average of +l% per piece of equipment for each of the vii slots.

    Annotation: You automatically get 30% affinity for whatsoever job you accept equipped, whether it's the one you lot're currently using, or your secondary equipped job. So if your current Battle Prepare is Swordsman and Mage, no thing which of the 2 you lot're currently using, y'all'll automatically have at least 30% Swordsman affinity and 30% Mage affinity agile.

  • Unlocked every console in the job tree for a single task.

    Run into Jack-of-All-Trades trophy_silver.pngfor more about jobs & a complete list.

    Each job has its own skill tree, which is ordinarily made up of ii or 3 branches. To become this bays, you'll have to completely fill out a task skill tree by reaching level thirty in it and acquiring every single console/node.

  • "Jobs" are your class type, such as a Warrior or a Mage. Each job has its own skill tree with 2 or 3 branches, each one unremarkably ending in a panel to unlock another chore. Every job has specific weapons it can and can't apply; for case, a Mage tin can only utilize a Club, whereas a Knight tin can utilize both Swords and Greatswords.

    While actively playing, in any Battle Set, y'all can but 'deport' 2 jobs with you. Nevertheless, if you want to, you tin can switch jobs at any time. This 2-task limit just really means that, on the battlefield, yous can easily & quickly switch betwixt those 2 with simply one push (triangle.png). To switch to any other task, you'd take to go to Principal Menu > Battle Settings and then either click on your job name at the height, or try to equip a weapon type that is not usable by your current job.

    All in all, there are 28 different jobs in full and you'll take to unlock all of them. These jobs are separate into three types: Basic, Advanced, and Expert.

    • Bones jobs: are those you start with, like the Swordsman, and those you unlock through the story past obtaining the necessary weapon type, like the Mage (Lodge) and Ronin (Katana).
    • Advanced jobs: are those that you must unlock by completing the requirements, which are completing a specific skill tree co-operative constitute in either 2 or 3 Basic jobs. For example, to unlock the Knight Advanced chore, you need to complete one of the branches to reach the Knight panel in both the Swordsman job and the Swordfighter task.
    • Expert jobs: are basically the same equally Avant-garde jobs, except the copse you lot demand to complete are from 2 or 3 Advanced jobs rather than Basic jobs. In other words, to unlock the Sage Proficient job, y'all'll need to do the necessary tree in both the Black Mage and White Mage jobs. What sets Expert jobs apart are that they are highly customizable and have admission to many skills and weapon abilities from other jobs/classes.

    Note: At that place are preset slots where y'all can salve most as many boxing settings sets (jobs & equipment sets) equally you wish; up to a total of 100. Because y'all are going to have to essentially max out nearly every single job to unlock all 28 jobs, it's definitely encouraged to create and use these presets, so that you lot tin can relieve time when you want to switch. To create or switch between presets, you can access them by going to Main Carte du jour > Alter Preset either from the World Map or at any Save Cubes during missions.

    There are 8 Basic jobs, 10 Advanced jobs, and 10 Proficient jobs:

    Basic Jobs : *(listed in chronological order)
    These volition all exist unlocked naturally as you consummate the Main Missions.

    1. Swordsman
    2. Pugilist
    3. Duelist
    4. Mage
    5. Lancer
    6. Swordfighter
    7. Ronin
    8. Marauder
    1. Knight – To unlock this, reach the Knight panel in theSwordsman & Swordfighter trees.
    2. Warrior– To unlock this, accomplish the Warrior panel in theSwordsman & Ronin trees.
    3. Berserker – To unlock this, reach the Berserker panel in theSwordsman & Marauder trees.
    4. Samurai – To unlock this, reach the Samurai panel in theRonin tree.
    5. Black Mage – To unlock this, reach the Blackness Mage panel in theMage tree.
    6. White Mage – To unlock this, accomplish the White Mage panel in theMage tree.
    7. Red Mage – To unlock this, reach the Cherry Mage console in theMage & Swordfighter copse.
    8. Dragoon – To unlock this, reach the Dragoon console in theLancer & Marauder trees.
    9. Monk – To unlock this, attain the Monk panel in thePugilist & Lancer trees.
    10. Thief – To unlock this, accomplish the Thief panel in theDuelist & Pugilist trees.
    1. Sage – To unlock this, reach the Sage console in theBlack Mage & White Mage copse.
    2. Paladin – To unlock this, reach the Paladin panel in theKnight & White Mage copse.
    3. Dark Knight – To unlock this, reach the Night Knight panel in theBerserker, Warrior, & Blackness Mage trees.
    4. Void Knight – To unlock this, accomplish the Void Knight panel in theKnight & Red Mage trees.
    5. Liberator – To unlock this, attain the Liberator panel in theWarrior & Dragoon copse.
    6. Ninja – To unlock this, accomplish the Ninja console in theSamurai & Thief trees.
    7. Assassinator – To unlock this, accomplish the Assassin panel in theThief & Monk trees.
    8. Breaker – To unlock this, attain the Billow panel in theSamurai, Dragoon, & Berserker trees.
    9. Tyrant – To unlock this, reach the Tyrant panel in theCrimson Mage & Monk trees.
    10. Cyclic Warrior – Unlocks upon completing the game.
  • Completed "The Journeying Begins."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This bays will pop after you complete the second Principal Mission: "The Journey Begins" (Lvl 12), located in Pravoka Seagrot.

  • Completed "Audience with the Nighttime Elf."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This bays will pop after you complete the third Principal Mission: "Audition with the Dark Elf" (Lvl nineteen), located in Western Keep, and defeat the boss and talk to Astos.

    You lot'll as well starting time getting Side Missions now, both but by beating certain Main Missions and by finding Retentivity Memento spheres. See Strangers' Memories trophy_gold.png  for more info on Side Missions and a complete list.

  • Completed "Natural Baloney."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This bays volition pop after y'all consummate the 4th Chief Mission: "Natural Baloney" (Lvl 26), located in the Refrin Wetlands, and defeat the twin elementals boss.

  • Completed "A Familiar Place."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This bays will pop after you consummate the 5th Chief Mission: "A Familiar Place" (Lvl 33), located in Crystal Mirage.

  • Completed "Memories of Wind."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy volition pop afterward you complete the sixth Main Mission: "Memories of Current of air" (Lvl 40), located in Flying Fortress, and defeat the boss, Tiamat.

    Note: Later you defeat the boss at the end of the mission and speak to Sophia, you'll get the choice betwixt doing the Burn Crystal or the Earth Crystal first. For this guide, everything will be in the social club of Fire > Globe.

  • Completed "Memories of Toxicant."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy volition popular after you lot consummate the 7th Main Mission: "Memories of Poisonous substance" (Lvl 46), located in Wicked Arbor, and defeat the boss, Giant Marlboro.

  • Completed "Memories of Fire."

    Story-related and cannot exist missed.

    This trophy will pop subsequently you complete the 8th Main Mission: "Memories of Burn down" (Lvl l), located in Mount Gulg, and defeat the boss, Marilith.

  • Completed "Phantoms of the By."

    Story-related and cannot exist missed.

    This bays will pop later you complete the 9th Main Mission: "Phantoms of the Past" (Lvl 46), located in Hallowed Massif.

  • Completed "Memories of Earth."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy will pop after you complete the 10th Main Mission: "Memories of World" (Lvl 50), located in Cavern of Earth.

  • Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy will pop after you consummate the 11th Main Mission: "To Remember" (Lvl 62), located in the Ruins of Machina.

  • Completed "Memories of Water."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy volition popular later you consummate the 12th Main Mission: "Memories of Water" (Lvl 74), located in Sunken Shrine.

  • Completed "Schemes of the Past."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This bays will pop later you lot complete the 14th Main Mission: "Schemes of the Past" (Lvl 88), located in the Ancients' Belfry.

    Before this mission becomes available, you'll have to do Main Mission #13: "The Fake Warriors". After you complete Main Mission #12 ("Memories of Water"), when you return to the Earth Map, all of the normal options are gone and Cornelia is the but affair there. You can't access the rest of the game until y'all complete "The False Warriors". This is a ane-time only mission that tin can't be replayed every bit once it'south done, Cornelia does non show up as a location on the World Map. There isn't anything to miss though and the mission doesn't even have chests.

  • Completed "Remembering Habitation."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy will pop after yous complete the 15th Principal Mission: "Remembering Home" (Lvl 100), located in Vigilia Court.

  • Completed "The Suffering of Fools."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy volition pop afterward you complete the 16th Main Mission: "The Suffering of Fools" (Lvl 112), located in Terra Tortura.

  • Completed "A Fraught Journey."

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This trophy volition popular after you complete the 17th and 18th Chief Missions: "Stranger of Paradise"  (Lvl 120) located in Cornelia & "Warriors of Calamity" (Lvl 118) located in the Anarchy Shrine respectively.

  • Completed the game on Chaos difficulty.

    POSSIBLY GLITCHED: We are unsure whether this is a glitch or a miscommunication with the bays description, but as of the time of this writing (Patch i.02), although the trophy says to complete the game, you can unlock this trophy merely past completing any mission on Anarchy difficulty. After defeating the boss and chirapsia the mission, the trophy unlocks.

    Chaos difficulty is a higher difficulty added for those who want an extra claiming. In one case y'all beat the game, you may press the touchpad on the World Map and select Chaos difficulty. Missions on this difficulty are locked with Anima Crystals which are obtained by beating endgame missions on lower difficulties or redoing previous missions simply on Anarchy difficulty (Main Mission #i: "Illusion at Journey'due south End" is immediately unlocked & bachelor without needing to spend Anima Crystals). This difficulty has various levels for each mission which feature college gear levels. To attempt higher levels of a mission you must spend more Anima Crystals, but the rewards will exist greater every bit well. This difficulty will also let you lot to interruption the Job Level cap of each chore. If you bank check the rewards section, you volition come across the chore level cap increment as a listed reward.

  • Completed a level 200 mission or college on CHAOS difficulty.

    You will demand to spend plenty Anima Crystals to unlock level 200 for a mission. Anima Crystals are largely found by playing on Anarchy. (See Seeker of Ultimate Power trophy_bronze.png  for more almost Anima Crystals.) Collect enough to unlock level 200 for any mission, then complete the mission for this trophy. If y'all need help collecting Anima Crystals, check the grinding method under Job Master trophy_gold.png .

  • If you've ever played a Final Fantasy game before, you'll certainly recognize the Cactuar! Cactuars are modest, green, cactus-shaped monsters that are super quick and hard to catch. They don't accept too much health, but have an iconic special power called "g Needles".

    The start Cactuar you'll come up across is during Main Mission #1: "Illusion at Journey's End" in the Chaos Shrine, so you'll be able to go this adequately early. They driblet a lot of adept loot, so it'southward best to always kill them if y'all can notice them.
    In one case you lot kill one for the beginning time, the trophy will pop.

    Annotation: Cactuars and Tonberries do non respawn once killed, so if y'all employ a Save Cube after defeating them, they won't reappear. Also, Cactuars will run away if you have too long to kill them, and once they practise, they won't respawn/reappear either.

  • Like the Cactuar higher up, Tonberries are also very recognizable as they've appeared in many Final Fantasies. Small bipedal creatures based on salamanders, they have smoothen green skin but vesture oversized brownish robes and carry a lantern.

    At that place are as well Master Tonberries, which are a more powerful variant, oftentimes plant in Side Missions.

    The first Tonberry yous'll come beyond is also during the 1st main quest, "Illusion at Journeying's End" in the Chaos Shrine, so you'll be able to go this fairly early. Like the Cactuar, they drib a lot of expert boodle, so it's best to e'er kill them if you tin find them.

    Notation: Cactuars and Tonberries do not respawn once killed, so if you use a Save Cube after defeating them, they won't reappear.

  • Anima Shards are consumable items that give yous chore XP when using them. They occasionally drop during quests from bosses and the like, but they're also often given as a reward for missions, and are guaranteed for redoing any previously completed mission.

    Once you get your first one, the trophy will pop. You'll likely get this inside the first couple main quests.

    To utilize an Anima Shard, go to Main Menu > Task Copse > Tab over to whichever job you lot desire to utilise information technology on, so presstriangle.png. A minor menu volition pop upward assuasive you to use the Shards and shows you how many levels and job points you'll go far substitution.

  • Acquired an anima crystal.

    Anima Crystals are very like to Anima Shards, but are acquired from endgame missions and Chaos difficulty missions. They can exist used to acquire 10,000 exp for a job or to unlock missions on Chaos difficulty. As soon every bit y'all get your outset one, which, if you're post-obit this guide, will likely come up equally a advantage for completing your offset Chaos mission "Illusion at Journey's End", the bays will pop.

    SeeJob Master trophy_gold.pngfor more info on how to quickly farm Anima Crystals.

  • An artifact is a slice of gear that contains + job analogousness bonuses for 2 jobs. These items are sectional to Chaos difficulty and are considered a rare drop, but you're all simply guaranteed to get one while you work towards Job Master trophy_gold.png . More than than likely, if you're following this guide, you'll probably become your first artifact in the outset Anarchy mission, "Illusion at Journey'southward Finish".

  • Used a job crest at the smithy.

    During the endgame, you volition start collecting items chosen Job Crests. These drops are very common so y'all should have no trouble with this trophy. Once you obtain a crest, you may use it at the smithy to upgrade gear affinity and abilities, similar to how you upgrade an item's special effects/stats.

  • On Chaos difficulty, you lot will be able to interruption the level cap for jobs. One time a job level cap is broken, its level cap increases from 30 to 55. Nevertheless, there are no more skills to unlock. Instead, you will be able to allocate master points to various attributes related to the job. There are categories that dissever the attributes. For instance one category simply increases major stats similar Strength, Spirit, etc. and some other category increases attributes similar "MP gained from soul shield" and "Break Gauge recovery speed". Only level up to at least 31 on a job and so spend a master indicate. (Master points can be reset and reallocated for gratuitous, so do not worry if you wish to change them subsequently.)

  • Achieved MASTER★★★★ rank for a task.

    This bays is unlocked one time you reach Level 99 with any job. In society to do this you must get-go gain access to Anarchy Difficulty past beating the game once. Later, you lot volition discover that all missions now have several levels you tin can play on. Some of those levels may also take Task Level Increases as a reward. Every job has three Level increases which will increment the Job Level Cap to 55, 75, and 99 in that society. In order to earn this trophy, yous will demand to obtain all 3 Job Level Increases for a job so obtain enough experience to accomplish Level 99. This is easily washed by grinding for Anima Crystals using the method beneath.

    Anima Crystal Grinding:

    To offset, yous are going to demand access to the Side Mission "Coral Memories: The Greedy", which is located in the Cavern of Globe. This mission tin be completed easily and quickly considering there are just five treasure chests which means only five possible locations to detect the Trident needed to complete the mission. They are all in close proximity and even if you die, any treasure chests you opened will stay open. Only run by all the enemies and open each chest until you find the Trident and complete the mission. Once you do this, unlock higher levels of this aforementioned mission then that you lot can exist rewarded with more than Anima Crystals. Eventually, you should unlock level 300 which will reward you with 13 Anima Crystals per run. It should take roughly 300 - 500 crystals to achieve level 99 with a job if leveling it from scratch. Of class, you volition also use these crystals to first unlock the missions & levels containing the Chore Level Cap increases for the chore of your choice.

  • Unlocked an advanced task.

    See Jack-of-All-Trades trophy_silver.pngfor more near jobs & a complete list.

  • Unlocked the dark knight.

    To unlock the Nighttime Knight Skillful job, you'll need to reach & unlock its panel in the Berserker, Warrior, & Black Mage jobs.

  • To unlock the Paladin Expert job, you'll need to achieve & unlock its panel in both the Knight and White Mage jobs.

  • To unlock the Ninja Practiced job, yous'll need to reach & unlock its panel in both the Samurai and Thief jobs.

  • To unlock the Assassin Expert job, you'll demand to reach & unlock its console in both the Thief and Monk jobs.

  • To unlock the Liberator Expert job, you'll demand to achieve & unlock its panel in both the Warrior and Dragoon jobs.

  • To unlock the Billow Expert job, you'll demand to achieve & unlock its panel in the Samurai, Dragoon and Berserker jobs.

  • Unlocked the void knight.

    To unlock the Void Knight Expert job, y'all'll need to reach & unlock its panel in both the Knight and Scarlet Mage jobs.

  • To unlock the Tyrant Practiced job, you'll need to reach & unlock its panel in both the Red Mage and Monk jobs.

  • To unlock the Sage Practiced job, you'll demand to reach & unlock its panel in both the Blackness Mage and White Mage jobs.

  • Unlocked the cyclic warrior.

    Story-related and cannot be missed.

    This is the only Proficient-level job that will come up automatically and doesn't crave unlocking any other jobs. You'll get the Cyclic Warrior chore one time you've completed the game for the first fourth dimension.


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